DIY roof for my S4 microskiff (updated)

S4 microskiff with roof FL
Jesse Stephenson


I made a top roof for my S4 microskiff. Taking it to Islamorada for a week of lobstering. We are also going to try to bully net for lobster from it one night while we’re there.

Jesse driving his S4 microskiff with roof FL

Close up of our S4 microskiff

The trip went good. We dove out of it every day and came home with 23 lobster.
The roof made it a touch more tipsy when it was windy. Not bad though.
I am going to cut the rooftop off for the winter and keep the center console. I will make it so I can quickly mount the roof part when I need it.
Unfortunately I only took one pic of the boat and a few of me with the lobster.

Lobsters caught on our trip

Lobsters caught on our trip

2 thoughts on “DIY roof for my S4 microskiff (updated)”

  1. Thanks Jesse,

    Cool!! I really like this thing 🙂

    Might get a bit challenging when a strong wind blows, but probably not too much of a problem for an ex Navy SEAL with a 10 HP motor 😀


  2. Thanks for the update, Jesse.
    I’m glad to hear it worked, and your trip was successful!
    Keeping the console and making the rooftop modular sounds promising.


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