Wavewalk S4 mold completed

The S4 mold got coated with Teflon, and our mold makers are done with its final inspection.
It’s on the way to its new home at the production facility where our kayaks and boats are made.
Developing and producing such a large size cast aluminum tooling is a complicated and lengthy process, and it was carried out pretty much on schedule.
We are planning to produce the first S4 units next week.


The top part of the S4 mold. The golden-brown glossy material is the Teflon coat.


The purpose of coating the inside of a mold with Teflon is to prevent the Polyethylene from sticking to the mold after it’s cooled down.
If the Polyethylene sticks to the mold, the production team can have a hard time taking the molded boat out.


The mold’s top part viewed from another angle.


Close up of the bottom part of the Wavewalk S4 mold


The bottom part of the tooling suspended from a crane


Rear view of the bottom part (upside down) – The bottom half of the rear carry handles can be seen


The Wavewalk S4 cast aluminum tooling waiting to be picked up

Wavewalk 700 mangrove tandem trip with Calypso

By Captain Larry Jarboe



Calypso crafts beautiful earrings out of fishing lures with the hooks removed. Her displays are becoming most popular in Key Largo locations. She is using the Mangrove Tunnel paddle method where the end of the paddle is used to fend off, the grip is used to pull thru, and, once in a while, you get a chance to slide the paddle thru the water. Often, you have to spin the paddle like a baton to accomplish fending or pulling depending on the side of the tunnel where one technique or the other is needed. That is why she has the paddle held in the center of the handle. Much like a soldier handling a gun at forward arms.
The tide does most of the work. And, we motored back up the tunnel because the ocean was ripping rough. We snaked thru that tunnel without a hitch but I did run out of gas later because of the longer run against the tide. Yes, the spare fuel can was tucked away in a hull tip. NBD.

WA Wavewalk fan finishes the 100 mile Ultra Marathon in less than 24 hours

By Chris Henderson


Andrew and Chris

This is an off-kayak topic, but it shows that Wavewalk dealers don’t only paddle, fish and hunt!
Andrew Heath from the Gig Harbor, WA dealership successfully ran his first 100 mile Badger Mountain Challenge Ultra Marathon. His time was 22 hours and 40 minutes.
Congratulations Andrew!

Andrew, my son-in-law, partner in our Wavewalk dealership Fishing Kayaks of Gig harbor, and kayak fishing and hunting buddy, finished yesterday morning. He ran 100 miles in 22 hours and 40 minutes! He was 9th overall from a field of 68 runners.
What an incredible achievement! In the spirit of good sportsmanship I have challenged him to establish once for all who is faster in the 50 yard dash. Today only. I don’t think he will be taking me up. 😀 He is out of this world sore.

He had the family to help pace him after 50 miles. So some of my other sons (who did not train) helped and are also pretty sore. Drake (one of my twins) ran 12 miles with him. Jordan (my oldest) ran 7, and my daughter, Andrew’s wife did a couple of times as well.

Here are some of the pictures of the event. My daughter and grandkids were out supporting daddy. They had t-shirts made that said “My Daddy can run 100 miles….. can yours?” 😀







More kayak rigging, fishing and bow duck hunting with Chris »


First snook and review of my Wavewalk 700 rigged fishing kayak

By Dave Hernandez

St Augustine Paddlesports, FL


I went fishing Sunday evening and caught me a 28″ Snook. Was a blast in the 700.
My first snook in the 700. 🙂
Wavewalk kayak are a stable and versatile fishing platform. My choice is the W700 model that is rigged with Yak Attack and Launch pad rod holder accessories.
I love fishing from my W700 alone or with a friend.














More fishing and rigging with Dave »

Another Wavewalk Kayak Adventure – Pennekemp State Park

By Captain Larry Jarboe


Springtime may be a little chilly north of the Florida Line but we are having wonderful weather in Key Largo.
Anthony from Broward County and his friend, Tom from New York, joined me for a wonderful Wavewalk day exploring the heart of Pennekamp State Park.
Tom had previously capsized a conventional kayak and ruined his cell phone on another non-Wavewalk expedition with another outfitter.
But, he had no problem standing in his W700 while Anthony took a well deserved snooze.
We paddled over 3 miles exploring the flats, creeks, and sunken barge wreck.

Anthony will come back to share a future Wavewalk Adventure with his fiancee.  He is looking forward to putting a W700 in his garage as soon as he gets a house.
And, Tom will return to New York as a pro-yakker and apprentice commercial fisherman who has mastered the art of catching bait.

The  “Rest of the Story” can be found at  capnlarryjarboe.com

We are having so much fun and healthy exercise!





More fishing adventures with Capn’ Larry »