A paddle for going in narrow mangrove tunnels

This is a special multitasking paddle that Captain Larry Jarboe of Wavewalk Adventures Key Largo created following a conversation that we had a few weeks ago.
The conversation was about advancing in extremely narrow and low mangrove tunnels. By narrow we mean barely a couple inches wider than the S4, and by low we mean with branches going across the mangrove tunnel at a height that sometimes forces the paddler to lay on their back and push the branch upward in order to allow the kayak to slide forward. This may involve turning around and lifting the branch over the motor too.
Paddling is just part of what the paddle has to do, and pushing branches is not less important. In this mode of advancement through a tortuous tunnel of dense vegetation, the ability to grab branches in order to pull the kayak sideways and/or forward is a real necessity.
A regular kayak paddle is much too long for this confined space, and a single-blade canoe paddle works only on one side, and since space is so restricted it’s not always easy to switch sides. In fact, sometimes it can be very hard.

Larry’s multitasking paddle is just a little over 4 ft long, and he made it by combining two canoe paddles, and cutting the blades according to these special challenges.

This is Larry’s first prototype, and he’s likely to keep coming up with new versions.

BTW, a trip in the mangrove tunnels is an adventure that’s impossible to forget!


More diving, fishing and outfitting with Captain Larry »

Tarpon in my Wavewalk 700 kayak

By Dave Hernandez

Living the Wavewalk life 🙂

I love fishing from Wavewalks here in Florida. Depending where or how I plan to fish is how I decide which Wavewalk I use. I was targeting sheepshead on this outing so took out my W700.

Slow day on the sheepsheads bite but tarpon where rolling all around us. Will Niemann cast netted some mullet so we were able to fish for them. We each were able to catch one so we were pleased to say the least. I was happier because it was my first tarpon.

Tandem kayak ocean rescue with the Wavewalk S4

By Captain Larry Jarboe

Wavewalk Adventures Key Largo


This afternoon, I took my workhorse S4, the White Knight, through the Key Largo Cut to get some video from Blackwater Sound and the Southern Everglades. Prior to reaching the IntraCoastal Waterway, I spotted a couple in a SOT kayak trying to paddle their yak into a stiff wind and close 2 ft. chop.

The planned video can be recorded another day. I volunteered to tow them back to the Marriott from where they had launched. They gratefully accepted.

We had a grand time beating our way home against the wind and the waves. Christina and Zach got a Wavewalk S4 real world demo and a motorized tour of Key Largo.

And, we all enjoyed another Wavewalk Adventure.

The S4 really is the boat that does it all!


More adventures with Capn’ Larry »

End of the fall season in Idaho, fishing in my electric Wavewalk 500 kayak

By Sid Perry


Here are some photos from this fall.

I added a motor mount and used a 30 hp trolling motor. At lowest speed it’s a very nice trolling speed. Caught some awfully nice fish this fall.

I continue to enjoy how the Wavewalk gets me to places I normally couldn’t reach.
I get lots of looks and questions!


















More kayak rigging and fishing with Sid in Idaho »