By Travis Lee
N. California
This is how how I transport it right now. I love it.

It’s been fun.
My S4 is a fully registered commercial fishing vessel now…. there are times that I like to go in my buddies bigger boat, but next year instance, I will have access to areas that no big boats go. Expenses are low… very seaworthy…
Overall…. very satisfied
The season is getting late… I’m really am looking forward to fishing a honey hole area that is absolutely full of Halibuts next spring , but is very shallow and full of kelp so ordinary commercial boats wouldn’t consider it. Honestly this craft will hopefully break personal records.
Thank you Travis,
I’m glad to hear that your S4 works for you. Cartopping the S4 isn’t hard even if you have a minivan, and the motor goes inside the vehicle.
You could carry your S4 inside your vehicle if you use a T extension such as Vann installed in his SUV:
Thanks for the update Travis,
I wonder how many (if any) other designated “kayaks” there are out there that are registered as commercial fishing vessels 🙂
Hi Travis.
I got the S4 two years ago I think, and I have the same Caravan minivan you have, the short one.
Best carport is the S4 inside the Caravan, with the nose of S4 between the front seats.
I do remove my seats from the Dodge when I go fishing.
I just close the tailgate into the S4, no extension needed.
I secure the tailgate with two ratchets.
A breeze to run on highway like that.
Lifting the S4 in top of a Caravan is not fun.
That is my 2 cent opinion.
Have fun and be safe.
I wonder, does this make Travis’ minivan a commercial fishing vehicle? 😀
I, too, register my S4 as a commercial fishing vessel. It fulfills a niche that no other kayak or paddle multi-hull can fill.
Whether casting net or line for live bait or shrimp, catching fish in locations not accessible to other vessels, hunting commercially good eating invasive species at night, or whatever, the S4 delivers fish on the plate with minimum cost and overhead.
Presently, I am focused on running custom USCG & FWC licensed eco-charters in Key Largo on my 6 pack pontoon boat during “Snowbird Season” that include a touch of fishing, a taste of fishing, or a mess of fish depending on the customer preference. However, my S4 still is in use to secure snapper candy and exploratory escape when the passengers are scarce. Or, demo trips for potential S4 purchasers.
Consider the Harbor Freight utility trailer rig that Yoav just posted. I find it is much quicker to launch and easier on the back muscles. A couple successful commercial fishing trips should pay for it.
And, as a commercial fishing project, it is deductible.
Just saying most of which you already know,
Larry J.
Thanks Larry,
Here’s a link to the article about transporting the S4: