141 outings in 3 years. Best purchase of my life (almost)

Robbie Cairl

W. Massachusetts

I’m sorry I have not made any videos with my awesome Wavewalk 500. My buddy did take this snapshot of me yesterday. I’m about to land (and release) a nice 2 1/2 lb. smallmouth bass on the Connecticut River in Sunderland MA.
I love my W and keep track of my outings. Yesterday was my 141st adventure in 3 years. My back and all round fishing and kayaking experiences have been heavenly since I made the best purchase of my life. Well, second best, after my wedding license.

catching a 2.5 lb smallmouth bass on a fly

Me: Wavewalk 500 owner since spring 2013. I’m 60-ish soon to retire and use my W500 even more. I love to explore new bodies of water and fish (catch and release except for the rare stocked trout I may have to share with camping buddies). The Connecticut and Deerfield Rivers are my favorite haunts, I can put in the Conn just about a mile from home. My usual trip is a 3 mile paddle up stream for cardio and core workout, then crack a beer and float home while fishing, photographing, bird watching and observing whatever nature has to offer. The upright paddling position has allowed me to kayak more often for longer periods of time. The ample room, ability to stand, ease of handling while transporting were all added benefits I continue to enjoy.

Read Robbie’s initial Wavewalk 500 review from 2013 ยป

2 thoughts on “141 outings in 3 years. Best purchase of my life (almost)”

  1. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks Robbie,

    It’s great to hear from you after all these years. Well, 3 years isn’t that long, really ๐Ÿ™‚ .
    Please thank your fishing buddy for their action photo. I hope more of your fishing and kayaking friends will start shooting pictures of your adventures, and who knows, maybe even a couple videos?… Stranger things have happened ๐Ÿ˜‰


  2. Robbie,

    According to my calculations, you fish about twice a week when the weather allows. Some of us are better at fishing than taking pics. Then, there’s Jill Toler. She fishes. Takes great pictures. And, writes a whopper of a fish tale.

    Your story is a good reason why the W500 is still the go to fishing yak for the solo fisherman who may not post a lot of pics but fishes a lot. As much as I like the W700’s for my family and friends adventures, the W500 is so easy to for a single person to take, anywhere.

    Or, a married man who fishes alone.

    Larry J.

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