By Chris Henderson
Every year on the Fish Washington Free Weekend our church has a “Family Fishing Day” . We gather together and bring all manner of things that float (Wavewalks did most of the fishing) and take all who would like to come fishing.
We have a picnic potluck at 1pm.
This year we went to Lake Devereaux. There were a bunch of little fishermen that got to catch their first fish ever! I got to be the one that helped them.
Since there is no real shore fishing, I would take them out in the W700 and once the fish was hooked up let them reel it in. When they caught one fish I would bring them back and get the next kido. The W700 did the lions share of the fishing and it was great to be able to take out a little and their parent and get them on a fish.
The stocked trout were plentiful and willing and the kids had a blast.
Here are a couple of favorite pictures of the day.

More kayak rigging, fishing and bow duck hunting with Chris ยป
Thanks Chris,
I very much enjoyed editing these photos and story ๐
This is one of our favorite activities of the year! Watching those kids get so excited and catching a 10 inch trout on a noodle rod (light rod used for kokanee) is really fun for them. They think it is really hard. ๐
Getting them to touch the fish afterwards was pretty fun too. Some took right to it. Others required “help” to get the grin shot.
Good times.
Great job Chris. I love the smiles and little fishy hands of the kiddos. What a wonderful day with family and friends enjoying the very best that the Good Lord has given to us. Outstanding!
Well, I don’t anyone to help me smile when I look at these pictures ๐
They are truly wonderful, and they put me in a good mood!