By Andrew Kabbash
Ontario, Canada
A year in, I want to tell you how thrilled I am with the S4. It performs exactly as designed. Stable, light, quick even with a 3.5hp, and fun too.
The most impressive feature to me is being able to stand on one side of the boat and step onto a dock or a low freeboard boat. Amazing.
Thanks again, Andrew
Here are some photos of our S4 –

Thanks Andrew,
Glad you hear that you guys enjoy a solid and dependable means of transportation to and from the island.
Fun is important. Very much so.
I like the wedge you use to trim your motor. This said, I’d not using one now because when I drive at full throttle in waves, sometimes it’s useful to raise the bow (by relocating backward), so as not to get splashed, or at least reduce splashing.
This boat is quite a difference from your old W500, isn’t it? 😀