Duck hunting with my retriever and Wavewalk 700 hunting kayak

By Chris Henderson

A solid day on the mud flats.
Torrie, my retriever, improved over last time, and is starting to get this game figured out. Some work to do to finish the retrieves, but we will get there! She has not had a lot of practice with the whole transition from water to land holding the bird.
Can’t beat the weather or the birds! Wigeon whistle worked like a charm.

Stuff I Use  –

Duck Hunting Boat: Wavewalk 700

Decoys –
Avian X wigeon decoys
Assault Widgeon
Tangle Free Full Body Wigeon

Gun: Benelli Nova Tangle Free

Dog Blind: Little Buddy

2 thoughts on “Duck hunting with my retriever and Wavewalk 700 hunting kayak”

  1. Thanks Chris,

    Congratulations! – Torrie’s performance has improved so much compared to the last times!
    She saved you a lot of paddling 😀


  2. Thanks! As she gains confidence her training (what she learned in the yard) will kick in more and more. More than paddling she saved me from having to drag my W700 over the mud to get them and then drag it back! She has been a 2 year investment and now she is paying off.

    I love how the mixing tray fits on the W700. It provides a safe secure spot for Torrie but will also provide a ready spot for transporting things. I think it has application beyond duck hunting as well.

    Going to be a good season.

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