More S4 rigging projects

Terry Pritchard

North Carolina / Florida

Driving my S4 microskiff

I have upgraded my s4 from the first pics I sent. I’m using it exclusively in the intercoastal waters in Florida catching snook, tarpon, and red fish. I have done a lot of modifications to make all this work.

Note the front mounted electric trolling motor

I added a seat and I made a U-jinted tiller extension for the motor.
I also reinforced the transom, because this motor is heavier and more powerful than the max 6 HP that Wavewalk recommends.
Seat, articulated tiller extension, and reinforced transom on S4 micoskiff
The leaning bar and platform – Leaning bar unlocks and swings away for access to the bow. The platform is 17 inches by 34 and standing that high in the boat is very stable, so stable I can stand on the edge, with my tes stick out.
Casting platform on top of S4 cockpit
Leaning bar for casting platform - Wavewalk S4 microskiff
Standing platform and leaning bar for Wavewalk S4 microskiff
I made a battery compartment  by cutting a section out of the floatation seat and plastic welded an end back in. I also installed another saddle bracket that the modification eliminated.
Electric batteries compartment in the S4 microskiff
And this is a storage compartment on the side of the hull –
Storage compartment on the side of the S4 microskiff hull
This is the transom saver for transporting the boat. The 9.8 is a heavy  motor and the vibration and stress in transport is another factor for reinforcing the transom –
9.8 HP Tohatsu outboard mounted on Wavewalk S4 microskiff
The propeller pitch is 7 which came with the motor. I also have a 9 pitch and only gained 2 tenths and the rpms dropped about 475 rpms. As you can see from the pictures I have added a lot of weight to this boat.
9.8 HP Tohatsu outboard motor on S4 microskiff
The speed I get is 16-17 mph using GPS. Conditions have to be really good to  hit 17, and I once did 18 mph for a brief period of time.
Tohatsu 9.8 HP outboard motpr mounted on Wavewalk S4 microskiff
This motor weighs 84 lbs, which is over 20 lbs more than a 6 HP, so I had to trim it very aggressively, and add a trim tab to keep the bow low and the stern high –
Trim tab for outboard motor mounted on S4 microskiff