Transporting my Wavewalk 700

By Owen Shaffer


The launch point is 1/2 mile from home, and this works well.


4 thoughts on “Transporting my Wavewalk 700”

  1. 😀


    Thanks Owen,


    PS — Some may think that the next step would be for you to mount that tricycle on the boat 😉

  2. Emission free from land to sea. But, the bike path will never be the same…

    Larry J.

  3. What an awesome idea, Owen. Great exercise as well. Now, if I can figure out how to navigate that outfit over 10 miles of rush hour traffic to my launch site, I’ll definitely follow-up.

  4. I guess the descent to the beach isn’t too steep – It might be hard to climb back up pedaling in the recumbent position.

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