By Jerry Wheeler
Pahoa, Hawaii
Today for the first time, I took the w700 out. Unfortunately the waters in Hilo Bay were too choppy to diverse the bay itself. So I just went and explored the river.
I have a love of the water. Although… when I first set in… it was a bit comical.

Thanks Jerry,
Beautiful! 🙂
Once you get used to paddling you’ll feel more confident in this kind of chop,
Jerry….I’ve been watching a kayak fishing show on TV (I think it might be called Pacific Crusaders on the Discovery Channel) featuring a group of yak anglers fishing off the Hawaiian Islands for marlin and other huge gamefish in choppy seas. Those guys take yak fishing to the limit and I’m not sure I’d want to take a yak, even the Wavewalk, into the rough water they fish. If you decide to become one of the crusaders and land a 100 or 200 lb marlin, I hope you post a picture of it laying over the hulls of your 700.
Hearing the wind whistling in your video and seeing the palm fronds bent in your pics shows me that you made a wise choice to seek protected waters. Surely, small craft warnings were posted. Despite the stability of the 700 series, the W700 is still a small craft and marketed as such for car top convenience.
There will be many calmer days ahead to venture into the deeper waters, offshore. That white hull is going to look good surrounded by Pacific blue.
Hope you have a whale of a good time and please post pics of those huge Humpbacks.
Larry J.
PackerYacker, I have seen extreme kayak fishing on the tube. And although it is very entertaining, I don’t think you’ll be seeing me do it.