W500 bass fishing standing movie with my new camera, by Joe Stauder

First bass caught on video in my new camera:


Chunky bass

Three back surgeries over the years and 10 hours on a Wavewalk is absolutely no problem for this old river rat. This would not be possible in any other kayak!

One of the 15 smallmouth caught on my 10 hour float trip down the Susquehanna


More stand up kayak fishing with Joe ยป

5 thoughts on “W500 bass fishing standing movie with my new camera, by Joe Stauder”

  1. Nice catch Joe and many more will be landed in your Wavewalk. What kind of set up do you have on your paddle to hold it in place across the deck?

  2. Joe, that’s a great debut in the movies! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Hi Joe-
    Very nice movie and I believe that is a smallmouth which we don’t see enough of.

  4. Ten hours in a kayak… that’s something that requires being fit, and a real passion for the sport!

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