Unbelievable shallow water W500 bass fishing in Cape Cod

By Michael Chesloff

Earlier this summer I spent a week in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, which is famous for its saltwater fishing. The Cape is also rich with small lakes and ponds which just don’t seem to be under much fishing pressure, perhaps because most anglers are focused on offshore action.

I stayed inland and pursued the bass. All week I was catching 2, 3 and 4 pounders. The fishing was just astounding as the bass smashed Wacky Worms and Frog Imitations in water that was often less than 6 inches deep, which is not a problem with this kayak.

Best week of fishing I’ve ever had. All the bass were released unharmed.






And then, this:



I estimate this 22 inch monster weighed between 5 1/2 and 6 pounds.


Amazing finding – an 8″ perch inside a bass (click images to enlarge):


5 thoughts on “Unbelievable shallow water W500 bass fishing in Cape Cod”

  1. That had to be a blast. Nice catch Michael. Shallow ware bass fishing and Wavewalk kayaks were made for each other.

  2. Wow, what a Great trip and great Bass.

    I got to hit those cape waters for some big bass some day.
    Some good fishing and Big Bass come out of those big and small places up there. 🙂

    Tight lines and MoPaddle Safe all.

  3. Congratulations on your great catch, and scientific discovery 😀
    A largemouth bass that gulps an 8 inch perch is a top predator, sort of. Who would have believed??

  4. Mike Moody says:

    Now that looks like fun!! Great job.

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