The Kayak Solution
Paul Malm, Iowa
How many times have you passed by, or looked at, a body of water and wished there was a way to fish it.
There can be many things to keep a person from getting to what looks like prime water. The weeds can be too grown in to be able to fish from shore, and if you did cast past it all, how would you get a hooked fish in through it? Or, just no access on the shoreline to be able to stand and fish. There may also be no way to get a boat in the water anywhere.
Lots of things to keep us from fishing these waters because of access issues. Well, there is a solution to the problem; a kayak solution!
Kayaks can offer you the ability to get onto almost any body of water you want to fish or explore. They are usually light enough and small enough for one person to handle and transport easily. And they can be put into the water almost anywhere, no boat ramp need-ed. People are starting to realize more and more what a difference a kayak can make, and how much fun it is to get out in one!
In the past, people looked at kayaks and thought of them only as a white water craft for using on wild rivers and rapids. This notion has changed dramatically in the last few years, and many people are starting to see the benefits of these small personal craft. These days, there are so many styles to choose from, that anyone can find a kayak to suit their needs. There are kayaks made to just sit in and paddle around for touring and sightseeing, while others have been made to fill specific needs.
Kayaks come in many forms, and from many makers. The prices of these craft will usually not give you sticker shock, either. They can range in price from a couple hundred dollars, up to the $1500 range; once again, depending on what you are looking for.
There are many kayaks that are made specifically for fishing. Some are sit-on-top models, that allow you to dangle your legs into the wa-ter while fishing. Others have a deck, and will allow you to stand and fish, giving you a better view of the water. Most major sporting goods stores will carry an array of styles and makers to choose from. If you fish alone most of the time, you will want to consider the weight of the craft you will be using. This can also af-fect how you transport your kayak; whether you want to strap it to the top of your vehicle, or put it on a trailer. A heavier kayak does not mean a better kayak! The length of the craft is also something to consider; not only for storage and transportation, but for registration where you will use it. In Iowa, you have to register the craft if it is 12 feet or over; or if you put a motor of some kind on it.
Kayaks are so easy to paddle, a trolling motor is a luxury! Even paddling upstream is usually not a prob-lem at all. I recommend that you check out the seating in the craft when you are shopping. Many of the seats are adjustable in order to make you comfortable, but if you will be sitting in it for a long time, you want to be sure.
Storage space is another thing to consider when shopping for your kayak. You want ample space to stow your gear, but you want to be able to get to it when you need it. Many of the newer fishing models have plenty of storage, and even have places to keep your bait alive and well. There are even coolers and livewells built into some models. Again, check out the options thoroughly when shopping. [brand names] are some of the companies making many of the kayaks you will see on television. These are not the only makers of fine fishing kayaks though, there are other brands out there with great qualities. [names of chain stores] carry a nice line of kayaks, too. [local store in Iowa] also carries a line of kayaks made for touring or fishing, but may fit the budget better if you are just not sure, yet.
The kayak I use, and prefer
The kayak I use, and prefer, is the Wavewalk 500 fishing kayak. It is different than any other one on the market. It has a split hull design that has many benefits, including getting in or out of your kayak dry… wet feet! You simply step into it between the hulls. Great design! It weighs less than 60 pounds, so it is easy to work with. It is the most stable craft of it’s kind that I have seen, too. You can stand and fish in confidence. I even stand and bowfish in it! The split hull gives outstanding stability! It has a bench style seat that is long enough to lay down on, or take someone along with you. This type of seat also forces good posture while seated, so you don’t get a sore back from extended time in the kayak. I have been in it for hours at a time with no back issues at all, thanks to this design.
The storage in the Wavewalk 500 is the most I have seen in a kayak, too. The hulls are your storage. You can put enough gear in one to go camping for a week! Even your 7-8 foot fishing rods will stow away in the hulls, but you can easily equip rod holders on any kayak to keep your rods handy. They will carry almost 400 pounds of cargo. More than enough for most applications. I cannot say enough good about the Wavewalk 500 to do it justice; simply a great kayak.
No matter what kind of kayak you go out in, you will find it to be a blast. You are close to the water and you can go almost anywhere in one. When I take mine out fishing, I find myself just looking around almost as much as I fish. It is simply relaxing to be out on the water in a small craft like this. The places you can take a kayak are endless, and the enjoyment you can get from it will last a lifetime. Even some of the skeptical have worn a smile when out for the first time, and are now kayak owners themselves! Don’t miss out on the fun of this because of a preconceived notion about kayaking. It has changed a lot, and may be just the way for you to get that lunker out of that body of water you have been looking at for so long! You no longer have to look and wonder, you can do it!! Have a blast!!
About the Author –
Paul Malm a.k.a. The Musky Guy is a professional fishing guide, fishing tackle designer and manufacturer, and award winning, record holding fisherman in Northwestern Iowa.
He also writes for fishing websites and magazines such as the Northwest Iowa Outdoors magazine, where this article first appeared.
Great article Paul – thanks!
Your enthusiasm for fishing and broad understanding radiate from every line!
It’s a good article in the sense that it conveys the author’s enthusiasm for the outdoors and for fishing… and for his W500… But Paul looks like a skinny guy who’s in good shape, and that’s great for him, but he should remember that many people are big and heavy, and others have all sorts of back issues (I mean in their spine and not in a magazine…) and many members of this very large group of people find it hard and sometimes impossible to sit in regular kayaks with their legs pointing forward in the L posture. Such kayaks simply don’t work for many people because of this major ergonomic problem that’s solved only in the Wavewalk design.
Pete, frankly, I don’t think Paul could have said in such an article something like “Folks beware! Those SOT and SIK trad fishing yaks are going to hurt your back and give you diaper rash, etc. etc…” 😀 -Could he?
I think he did a wonderful job, and I’m grateful to him for his warm words about his own experience with the W500.
Outstanding read Paul, and real treat to hear such a wonderful
review from a great professional Musky Guide.
Paul is right, I always get that look from other yakers, that this ugly
looking thing can float and fish well………….
I love my W’s all of them and ugly isn’t even close. 🙂
Thanks for the Great Read.
Tight Lines and MoPaddle Safe all.
Hello everyone! And thank you for all your kind words! I truly love my job, and the great people I get to deal with! I was asked to do an article on kayaking, and I saw it as a great opportunity to let more people know about the W, and all of it’s benefits! As a matter of fact, I will be out in my W this afternoon! Pete, sorry, but I simply cannot speak for other people’s physical limitations. Each person has to know their own limits, and make proper decisions on dealing with them. That’s why I stated in the article to check out the seating in kayaks to make sure you can be comfortable. Comfort, for me, is not an issue in the W! I can be in it for hours at a time, with no problems. I will probably prove that point again today!! 🙂 Once again, thank you everyone! It is time to hit the water! Good fishing to you all!! Paul
Thank you Paul,
This is a corporate blog, but we’re for free speech (except if it’s a competitor trying to spam 😉 …)..
We decided to make your article this blog’s Featured Article because we appreciate you and what you have to say, and we think that your article presents the W kayak very favorably in a broad context of fishing and the love of the outdoors.