Fishing Kayak Stand Up Paddling Tricks – Demo By 11 Year Old Kid

11 year old (almost 12, actually…) kid performs stand up paddling and kayak stability tricks for the camera: The paddle he uses is not the typical, 9 ft long Wavewalk paddle, but a shorter, 8 ft long version, and it’;s possible to see that he could use a longer one for stand up paddling.

11 year old (almost 12, actually…) kid performs stand up paddling and kayak stability tricks for the camera:

The paddle he uses is not the typical, 9 ft long Wavewalk paddle, but a shorter, 8 ft long version, and it’;s possible to see that he could use a longer one for stand up paddling.

3 thoughts on “Fishing Kayak Stand Up Paddling Tricks – Demo By 11 Year Old Kid”

  1. Great movie! For a brief moment, he got the entire kayak out of the water!

  2. cool, man! 🙂

  3. Awesome………………I’ve done that, but never that hard…. 🙂 LOL

    Paddle safe all.

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