By Chris Henderson
Duck hunting is coming to a close and I only have 2 or 3 trips left. We are hoping for a great hunt this Friday and one more hunting video! But one of the questions I often get is “How much storage space is there in a Wavewalk?” People see the saddle and think that there would not be enough room for your decoys and all the gear that usually accompanies the sport of duck hunting. So I thought I would make this video to show people how we pack our W700 for a duck hunt. On our typical hunts we put all the gear and deeks and one hunter in a W700 and other hunters paddle their own W500s. We usually run 3 dozen decoys. Rather than keep the decoys in their bag and just throw them on top (which is very doable), we prefer to put them inside the hulls where they act as ballast and actually make the boat more stable vs. on top where they exert a stability cost. You have to take them out of the bag when you get to your spot anyway. 3 dozen deeks is all we need/want for where we hunt. A person could get more in if they needed to. Can’t wait to see how the S4 hunts.