Many thanks to many people – The W700 Series is here!

The Wavewalk 700 Series as a concept, design and actual product is the result of inputs from many people over several years. These people have contributed both directly and indirectly to identifying the requirements for this unique product, refining and defining those initial requirements, and turning them into something tangible, useful and exciting. We’ll try … Continue reading “Many thanks to many people – The W700 Series is here!”

Offshore fishing trip in my motorized Wavewalk 500 kayak

By Sungjin Kim I woke up at 4:30 AM, before dawn, to be ready on time for this fishing trip in the ocean. Launched at 6:00 AM from the harbor. Going on the water with my motorized kayak was as I had planned. Fishing wasn’t very good. Caught some squid, cuttlefish and seahorses. Sungjin   … Continue reading “Offshore fishing trip in my motorized Wavewalk 500 kayak”

Making Sushi on board a W fishing kayak (video)

We first published this incredible video as part of Sungjin’s story about his tandem offshore fishing trip in his motorized kayak. The movie shows Sungjin’s fishing buddy filleting a fish on board the kayak that he and Sungjin fish from, and making sushi for a meal both fishermen eat on board. Following a phone conversation … Continue reading “Making Sushi on board a W fishing kayak (video)”

W500 Kayak Fishing Trip in South Korea’s Mountains

Sungjin and his wife live in South Korea. They took a pair of W500 kayaks, and went on a fishing and fun trip in the mountains. The beauty of the scenery is breathtaking, and the fishing seems pretty good too! They cooked a real meal on the beach, and after the trip ended, they dined … Continue reading “W500 Kayak Fishing Trip in South Korea’s Mountains”

Stand Up W500 Kayak Fishing Movie From Korea

Sungjin posted this new kayak fishing movie, featuring local kayak anglers:
It’s the rain season in Korea now, and powerful rainstorms are frequent. But although the wind is blowing hard, the anglers in Sungjin’s movie are seen fishing and paddling standing up in their W kayaks, undaunted and hardly disturbed at all.
One of the W500 kayaks is outfitted with a powerful outboard gas engine. We hope to get some video of this beast in action!
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