Paddling The S4 Microskiff And W720 Kayak Skiff

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What Paddle For My S4 and W720?

The S4 and W720 are extremely versatile boats, and both work perfectly as human powered crafts for one and two people, and even three people in the case of the S4. The paddlers can paddle seated and standing, as this demo video shows:

If you’re planning to use your S4 or W720 as a motor boat (skiff, dinghy, etc.), you’d still need to carry at least one small paddle on board, to help you launch and beach in shallow water, maneuver in extremely tight places, and go in extremely shallow water, such as over shoals at low tide. A simple canoe paddle would do for this purpose.

Both the S4 and W720 work perfectly as solo and tandem canoes, namely paddled with single-blade (“canoe”) paddles.

The S4 and W720 also work perfectly as a solo and tandem kayaks, preferably with dual blade (“kayak”) paddles that are longer than average, that is in the 8′-9′ range. Dual blade paddles in the 9′-10′ range would allow you and other passengers to paddle standing up, as seen in the above demo video.

SUP paddle work as well for the S4 and W720. These are single-blade paddles that resemble canoe paddles, and their extreme length allows for stand up paddling.

Where To Buy Paddles?

Paddles that fit the S4 and W720 are available in stores and online.
Checkout Mohawk Paddles . This manufacturer offers a wide range of sturdy, lightweight, versatile and affordable paddles and paddle accessories. They ship to the client’s address.

Contact us if you have questions about paddling and paddles.
We’d be happy to help you!

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