More fishing in Guam

S4 microskiff with fish - Guam

By Terry Wilkison

Using the time before I get redeployed.

I’ve been experimenting with propellers of various pitch, and it seems to me that when my S4 is fully loaded (electric motor, batteries, cooler, etc), the 9″ pitch propeller isn’t necessarily the best choice, and smaller pitch propellers work as well.


One thought on “More fishing in Guam”

  1. Thanks Terry,

    Makes sense, because 9″ is the optimal pitch for the S4 when you’re trying to achieve max absolute speed, that is in optimal conditions, which are with a lightly loaded boat that’s going on flat water.
    However, when the boat is more heavily loaded and it’s going in waves, absolute max speed is no longer achievable, and there’s a need for more torque, so smaller pitch propellers can work as well as a 9″ pitch propeller.


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