His and hers lifeboats…

By Captain Larry Jarboe

My wife enjoys the W700 with me as long as I leave my fishing gear at home.  I’m working on a glass bottom bucket to view the submarine scenery.
I’ve got both Wavewalks mounted overhead on the “Line Dancer”:
two-fishing-kayaks-on-top-of-mother-ship-Key-Largo, FL
“His and hers lifeboats”: Safari W700 and White W500 on board the Line Dancer mother ship


More fishing adventures with Capn’ Larry »

2 thoughts on “His and hers lifeboats…”

  1. Thanks Larry,

    Looks like “living the dream” 🙂

    How about using a periscope for your dry underwater exploration?
    There are lightweight telescopic ones, with magnification.


  2. Yoav,

    I did a quick Google search on [underwater periscope]. The best design is not so obvious as my search was on [fishing kayaks] when I discovered the Wavewalk design. For the time being, I’ll stick with my simple plexi-glass bottom bucket made out of a heavy duty ten gallon rectangular black trash container. Waiting with baited breath to test your prototype periscope that surely must be in the works.

    Larry J.

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